The Maths Department aims to produce students who are able to apply Mathematical skills to their future careers and to everyday life. The curriculum is planned to allow students to gain an appreciation of the Mathematical process and see the importance of Maths in the wider world. We will develop this using the building blocks of Number, Algebra, Proportional Reasoning, Data and Geometry. Students will follow the National Curriculum and be constantly tracked throughout their time at TFA. This tracking system will be used to identify areas of weakness and will create a personal profile of each individual learner. Maths at TFA wants to ensure that no student is left behind and so intervention groups are set up that will target students’ specific weaknesses. For more able students, FastTrack classes are available as we want to push every student to their full potential.

The Maths Department aims to produce students who are able to apply Mathematical skills to their future careers and to everyday life. The curriculum is planned to allow students to gain an appreciation of the Mathematical process and see the importance of Maths in the wider world. We will develop this using the building blocks of Number, Algebra, Proportional Reasoning, Data and Geometry. Students will follow the National Curriculum and be constantly tracked throughout their time at TFA.

This tracking system will be used to identify areas of weakness and will create a personal profile of each individual learner. Maths at TFA wants to ensure that no student is left behind and so intervention groups are set up that will target students’ specific weaknesses. For more able students, FastTrack classes are available as we want to push every student to their full potential.