Child on Child
The DfE defines bullying as “Behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over a period of time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally.
It is inevitable that some incidences of bullying will occur within the school environment. TFA does not tolerate bullying of any kind and no member of the TFA’s community should ever turn a blind eye to bullying. TFA’s non-tolerance approach to bullying stems from its view that every right carries a responsibility;
- I have the right to feel safe and protected and the responsibility to look out for others.
- I have the right to be myself and a responsibility to accept other people’s differences and boundaries.
- I have a right to get support and a responsibility to ask for it at the appropriate time.
- I have a right to be heard and a responsibility to listen to others
Education to prevent bullying is provided to all TFA students, including through the following curriculum opportunities:
a. Subject areas e.g. English, Drama, Philosophy/RE
b. Personal Development sessions
c. Assemblies e.g. National Anti-Bullying Week;
d. Presentations from outside agencies and theatre groups;
e. Offsite activities; f. Tutorial activities; and g. Peer support.
Reporting Bullying
Tell us if someone is bullying you. If you or someone you know is being bullied you can:
- talk to your form tutor or head of year
- talk to another a member of staff
- fill in the form below and send it to us
Some types of bullying
Using the body – Hitting, pushing, kicking, taking someone’s belongings, being violent
Using words – Gossiping, spreading rumours, name calling, making threats, making unpleasant or rude comments
Cyber bullying – Sending bullying messages by text, phone calls, video-clips, email; using Facebook, Twitter or websites to spread rumours or to make unpleasant comments