Welcome to The Forest Academy

Together Fostering Achievement
We are a diverse, inclusive, community-centred school who are deeply committed to supporting all of our students throughout their education.
We are delighted to share our Ofsted report from 2023 – which said:
– “Pupils feel safe and are happy. Pupils learn in a calm environment and their attendance is high. Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school.”
– “Staff have a positive working relationship with pupils, which reflects the school’s culture of respect.”
– “Pupils are polite and considerate of others.”
– “Leaders have designed an ambitious and well-ordered curriculum for all pupils… Teachers have strong subject knowledge and are specialists in their subjects.”
– “Leaders and governors have high expectations for all pupils”
You can read the report here http://theforestacademy.org/general-school-info/ofsted-report/ (including translated in to community languages):
We want our students to be:
- Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve their full potential.
- Confident individuals who are able to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
- Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
At TFA, we focus on:
- A broad curriculum – Our students study the whole range of national curriculum subjects from Y7-9 including art, music, drama, design technology, food technology, PE, and many more.
- Excellent teaching – As a school we focus on making sure all of our staff are brilliant teachers and are able to do their jobs to a high standard. This means that all lessons are calm and purposeful, and the school is a positive, safe and happy place to learn.
- 100% progression – We are committed to ensuring that all of our students go on to high quality destinations when they leave education, whether that is university, further study or apprenticeships and work.
- Wider experiences – We have a huge range of clubs across TFA, including a free breakfast club every day and regular sports fixtures. We have a broad range of trips and visitors, to ensure they understand the world outside school and can make informed decisions about their futures.
- Brilliant student support – We recognise that across their time at school, students will have a number of challenges. We provide individualised support, whether though ‘information, advice and guidance’ sessions, mentoring, counselling and bespoke support programmes. Students who join us with English as an additional language have additional tailored support programmes.
TFA students are guaranteed progression in to the ‘Outstanding’ Beal 6th form – which has two campuses, one at TFA and one at Beal High School. We provide 3 pathways to success, through our 3 year pathway, BTEC pathway and A-level provision. To find out more about our sixth form, go to https://bealsixthform.co.uk/ .
I look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Mr W Mackintosh – Executive Principal
A greeting from the co-headteachers
We are proud to serve our school community at TFA, a place where every child is known, supported and challenged to be the very best they can be.
We are delighted to share with you news of 2024’s summer of success, where our year 11 and 13 cohorts performed exceptionally well and have secured 100% progression, whether heading for further education, employment or training.
At GCSE in 2024:
- Progress above national expectations for all students
- Rapid progress for disadvantaged students and those with SEND
- 10% increase on 2023 in students achieving 4+ Eng and Maths
- Over 80% sat the EBACC with over a third achieving standard pass
- The percentage of our students achieving EBacc at grade 4 or above is 8% above the national average
- The percentage of our students achieving EBacc at grade 5 or above is 5% above the national average
- Our EBacc Average Point Score (APS) is also above the national average
At Beal Sixth Form – A level and Vocational:
- Highest number ever to go to university – with 81% taking up preferred places
- 29 students have achieved straight A*/A grades with 55 students gaining AAB or above; in facilitating subjects, 13% (42 students) achieved AAB or higher in at least two whilst 12 students have achieved straight Distinction*/Distinction for BTEC
- Seven students have taken up their places at Medical and Dental School (Bristol, Southampton, Kent, Newcastle, Kings College, UCL and Queen Mary).
- Degree apprenticeships: 13 students have secured higher/degree apprenticeships with the likes of PWC, Vodafone, KPMG and Deloitte
- See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e10ypf3cSUc
We are so proud of the achievements of our young people, made possible by the expertise, guidance and commitment of all TFA staff and the support of families.
Visitors are always welcome at TFA – whether to look round the school or to meet with staff. Please get in contact with us on
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Mr L Ansell and Mr E MacLeod – Co-Headteachers