At the Forest Academy, we want to develop students who are:
• Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve their full potential.
• Confident individuals who are able to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
• Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
The structure of the curriculum at The Forest Academy is fundamental in helping to achieve these aims. We have a commitment to ensuring that our students are able to study creative and practical subjects throughout each year of Key Stage 3 (all KS3 students will study Music, Design Technology, Food, Textiles, Drama, Art and Computing). The breadth and depth of our Key Stage 3 curriculum supports our students to identify their talents and interests, as well as to develop mastery in each subject. We have also thought carefully about how the Key Stage 3 curriculum prepares students to move on to study GCSEs and vocational qualifications in Year 10 and Year 11.
Our curriculum is tailored to the needs of our students – each year we take care to review our curriculum offer at Key Stage 4 in order to reflect the interests and preferences of particular cohorts as well as to support excellent progression to courses in the Sixth Form. Our co-located Sixth Form has an impressive offer of over 40 academic and vocational courses across three pathways, and we are proud that our well-designed curriculum provides progression routes for all students to maximise success.
The curriculum at The Forest Academy is fully inclusive, with our BCS provision for ASD students providing the targeted support needed in order to maximise integration of these students into mainstream lessons with a view to supporting them to achieve formal qualifications.
You will be able to find more information about individual subject areas through the associated curriculum pages on our website.
To find out more about our CALIBRE curriculum framework, Click here